Friday, February 11, 2011

For Those of Modest Means & Disposition

I just heard Rep. J. Boehner say "let's face it, we're broke."  Yet, it was John who insisted that tax cuts for the very well to do be extended.  The same very well to do who just over a year ago were the focus of public ire over the economic meltdown. And now we've come fully 360 and are being tenderized for austerity measures.  It is time for a Citizens' Revolt against a Congressional and corporate ideology that demonizes taxes and seeks to have people of ordinary means forget about a social (economic) safety net that citizens of European democracies take for granted and are willing to fight for.  Equitable taxation is the most civilized manner in which to fairly distribute the fruits of our labors.  Lord knows moraility has not led us to a world of fair share.   A simple question:  If you work for wages, why would you ever vote for a Republican?  This is my first post and I'm tired tonight but I hope we can take a stand together for a fair and equitable future for those of modest means.